PROFITENCE is a boutique Corporate Finance firm based in Cambodia that is focused on helping emerging businesses grow in South East Asia. We predominantly work in the CLMV (Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar and Vietnam) region.
Delivering high quality services is our primary purpose as an organization. We will continue to be known as the firm where excellence in services will never become obsolete. We want a culture of growth, profitability and enthusiasm throughout the firm.
Delivering high quality services and to be trusted advisers and deliver high-value outcomes to our clients as well as provide a robust experience of opportunities, challenges and career growth to our people.
With these values, we embrace our mission to serve our clients financial needs.
PROFITENCE has a team who come from different fields and have multiple industry experience. Our team is diversified, dynamic and knowledgeable.
PROFITENCE believes in uncompromising integrity commitment to excellence accountability, it has bought us trust and respect regionally.
PROFITENCE has exemplary and high work standards. We understand different cultural sensitivities and approach each relationship with great care